
Grand Canyon Ecstasy: The Psyche of Water and Stone
by Dennis L. Outwater
[B&N Nook] [Amazon] [Amazon Kindle]

Witchcraft Legacy: Stories from the Big Attic by Richard Warren Brewster
[Amazon] [Amazon Kindle]
Finalist in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Scarlatti Domenico: A new look at the keyboard sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti for people who use both sides of their brain by Christopher Hail
[Amazon Kindle]

Unknown Soldiers: Reliving World War II in Europe by Joseph P. Garland
[Web] [Cape Ann Museum] [Amazon]

Kipling’s Cat: A Memoir of My Father by Anne Cabot Wyman
[Google Books] [Amazon]

Off the Beaten Path by Anne Cabot Wyman

Alaska Journal by Jeffries Wyman
[Google Books] [Amazon]

Letters from Japan by Jeffries Wyman
[Google Books] [Amazon]

Gloucesterbook by Jonathan Bayliss

Gloucestertide by Jonathan Bayliss

The Gloucester Guide by Joseph P. Garland
[Amazon] [Cape Ann Museum, 2018 edition]

Alluring Rockport by George Willis